Pert A Manger Chopstick

                               Can Chopstick be sustainable?

Why UK local brands established as foreign brands, such as Superdry?  It totally looks like Japanese Brand.

Right now let's look at "Pert A Manger". It is very lucky to have a friend who can speak French, or I cannot even pronounce the name of British sandwich retail.
"Ready to eat" let's go. It is very lovely to have a chopstick when you open sushi bento box. Otherwise, the best thing is that I can pull the wood part out of the plastic tube. Although the feeling of using this chopstick maybe not good for chopstick users, it is still happy to see how a food retail to make their effort in such small details.

After finish lunch, I can stop ask myself as follow:
  • What the cost of this chopstick?
  •  Is it disposable?
  • If not, can user happy with it?
  • How they make the chopstick into recycle chain?